Katarina Nina Simončič
Contribution to knowledge of history of clothing: laws against luxury and their impact

Danijela Velimirović
When shopping is not entertainment: fashion and consumption in FPRY (1952-1961)

Kujraković Nusret
Law on prohibition of burqa and
hijab from 1950 in PR B&H

Đermana Šeta
Analysis on influence of recent prohibition of Muslim women’s clothing in Europe

Hajrudin Hromadžić
Fashion-clothing trends in politics: media,
politicians and entertainment culture

Aleksandar Pašagić
”First class infidel” – modern military
uniform as a cultures conflict stage

Galijaš Armina
Sweatsuit and golden necklace

Azra Hromadžić
Politics and Poetics of Surfaces:
Skin, Facades, and Accessories

Elvira Islamović
Sociological approach to fashion phenomenon: fashion and clothing as a means of identification and socialization

Dobrila Denegri
Fashion and utopia

Krešimir Purgar
Fashion advertising, art and masculinity:
semiotic, iconological and historical perspective

Irfan Hošić
Art, fashion and media in the 20th ct.
through the prism of scandal and shock
Čupić Simona
Significance and place of fashion in the construction of civil identity: Serbian Art 1918-1941

Mateja Maučec
Conflict through clothing display
in the works of Ivana Kobilca

Suzana Lazarević
More than a uniform: working clothes
of stewardesses of Yugoslavian air
transport now and then

Šeherzada Džafić
Raincoat or mistress. Establishing
fictional identities by a clothing item

Nusret Isanović
Clothing and fashion – conflict
of tradition and modern

Katarina Peović Vuković
Is the ruling fashion – fashion
of the ruling class?

Sead Alić
Dressing in the Age of Undressing

Nadia Capuzzo Đerković
Veils and Breasts: When the garment
veils someone, it reveals another one.